Jesse Collings Room Opening - April 2022
Veg Course Graduation
Beginners' Veg Course Graduation - October 2023
Join us for BBQs and other social events
Fresh air, exercise, healthy produce and good company
Enjoy home-grown flowers, fruit and vegetables
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John Singleton
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Late June is a time for harvesting vegetables from early sowings. If you have not already done so, you should plant brassicas for autumn crops, either those you have grown yourself or modules I have r...
I have spare leek seedlings ready to plant out now. Let me know when you want them and I will lift them for you. You will need 6-8 for each 1.2m row; plant one or two rows. I planted out mine last wee...
Early May is a very busy time for sowing and planting frost sensitive plants, namely runner beans and french beans, courgettes and squash. This post is about courgettes and squash and you see from the...