Jesse Collings Room Opening - April 2022
Veg Course Graduation
Beginners' Veg Course Graduation - October 2023
Join us for BBQs and other social events
Fresh air, exercise, healthy produce and good company
Enjoy home-grown flowers, fruit and vegetables
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John Singleton
Kate's first ever carrots Hoeing It is critical to keep hoeing over the next few months. This will stop the weeds growing and competing with your plants for space and nutrients. Weekly hoeing will als...
Harvesting Charlotte potatoes Feeding plants - To keep fruiting plants (like tomatoes and aubergines) growing well and producing fruit they will need weekly feeding with a high potash tomato feed. You...
Watering -To develop healthy, drought resistant plants roots need to be encouraged to go deep to find water and nutrients so careful watering is essential. Always spot water at the base of the plant t...
Rhubarb 'forced' under weed fabric. See the blog for more details. Potatoes Now that you’ve got your seed potatoes they need to be kept in a cool light place to develop small 1-2cm dark green sprouts...