Jesse Collings Room Opening - April 2022
Veg Course Graduation
Beginners' Veg Course Graduation - October 2023
Join us for BBQs and other social events
Fresh air, exercise, healthy produce and good company
Enjoy home-grown flowers, fruit and vegetables
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John Singleton
Don’t think you can take a rest in October. It is a critical month for clearing up from this year’s cropping, planning ahead for next year’s growing season, and most importantly, beginning to get the...
Clearing ground September marks the onset of autumn and with that, the need to clear and prepare the ground for new crops. Soil PH Knowing your soil PH will help you understand your soil and give you...
Crops Pick regularly to keep them cropping. If plants continue to flower they will produce more fruit. Water Water consistently keeping the soil damp but not saturated and mulch where possible to reta...
Hardening off seedlings To get your tender seedlings (french, runner beans, tomatoes, courgettes) used to outside conditions put them outside in a sheltered position during the day and bring them in a...