Jesse Collings Room Opening - April 2022
Veg Course Graduation
Beginners' Veg Course Graduation - October 2023
Join us for BBQs and other social events
Fresh air, exercise, healthy produce and good company
Enjoy home-grown flowers, fruit and vegetables
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Duncan Burford
April has been a challenging month weather-wise, with Saharan dust blown away by polar winds that gave way to a lengthy dry spell which has left many plants in the garden with a noticeable purplish ti...
The advent of spring finds me crouched over, rummaging through the grass on a pleasantly bright and mild day, whilst a wren trills exuberantly from the nearby hedgerow and a red-tailed bumblebee drone...
With the weather intent on alternately freezing and drenching us, it’s something of a relief for me that February is a quiet month for a wildflower garden. Only in this last week am I beginning to see...
Welcome to the inaugural blog for the newly dedicated Hamilton Lane wildflower garden. The aim of this project is to grow a range of native flowers and fine grasses that will provide year round food a...