Courgettes and squash seeds should be sown in early May in modules as we did for broad beans.
We will use the new larger module trays.
There are two varieties of courgettes and two of squash so label carefully. You will need two or three modules of each so sow three seeds of each, one per module. That will be twelve modules in all. We shall sow some extras in case anyone needs replacements. They can be left on the polytunnel bench to germinate although if the polytunnel gets too hot you would be better looking after them at home.
Potting on
Use the larger 3" pots on the bench for potting on.
Courgettes: I suggest potting on 2 x Defender, a standard green variety, 2 x Atena/ Polka, a yellow variety. Also pot up a few spares and leave these on the communal part of the bench. You can leave your potted plants on the bench or take them home; they will be ready to plant out a week or so after potting on.
Squash: You will have room for two to four squash and I suggest potting on 2 x Red Kuri and 2 x Crown Prince, the latter storing well until spring.
Planting out
Plant after May 15th, i.e. after our last frost date. Earlier planting gives earlier crops but risks frost damage.
Plant out at least 60cm apart in a single row along a 120cm bed. Don't try to squeeze in extra plants! Use fleece if the weather is on the cool side.