Sweetcorn - sow 8 modules - see article in crops.
Thin beetroot seedlings to no more than 4 or 5 per module.
Plant out beetroot seedlings if big enough - one row - see article in crops. Maybe next week if still small.
Plant out other lettuce modules if big enough - problem of slugs if planted out too small.
Prick out outdoor tomatoes - next week?
Sow parsnips and carrots
Make brassica tunnel protection - water pipe hoops and rebar/canes
See the website articles on individual crops and instagram posts from previous years for detailed instructions
2024 - Not applicable as leeks planted in modules. Plant contents of leek pot in seedbed only if well developed - leave a couple of weeks.
Add woodchip to paths if there is a supply in the woodchip store.
Catch up and plot maintenance.
Make stake and string supports for broad beans - last week.
Assemble hoops for netting brassicas - next week?
Leave until next few weeks - build frame for runner beans sometime over the next month or so.
Continue hoeing, taking extra care with area under fleece, the paths and next to the wooden sides.