See Week 9 - some jobs are for weeks 9 or 10 depending on the weather.

Sow runner beans and French beans in situ.

Sow runner beans and French beans in seed trays as spares

Pot up the courgettes that we sowed last week (or leave for another week or plant outside if well rooted?)

Sow squash

Plant out greenhouse crops in boder - a few examples of three tomatoes, melons and cucumber.

How are your sweetcorn? We may plant out or pot on.

Water your outside plants, particularly leafy vegetables and the rows of carrots and parsnips which will not germinate if the soil is too dry. 

Celeriac - modules may well be ready for us all to plant out or pot on.

Tomatoes - modules may well be ready for us all to plant out or pot on.

Plot and crop maintenance.